​Hi I'm Amy Phillips
Creative Director / Artist / Zen Master
Welcome to Good Vibes Art!
I've been painting with wild abandon to create positive energy art for more than 30 years. I am a ceritfied Art & Happiness coach with a degree in Computer Graphics and Commercial Art.
I primarily create art for people I haven't met yet. Emersing myself in to a piece until it feels complete is an adrenilin rush. When a connection has been made with one or more of my pieces, I know its found a good home. My art has been featured locally and through out Michigan. Commissions are available upon request.
Though a Michigan artist, my inspiration flows from all over the world; from Puerto Rico to England and back again. I have worked for years as a photographer, graphic designer, and clothing designer. Combining this experience with my traveling and artistic skills has form Good Vibes Art Studio.
P.S. I love traveling and trying new coffee shops. You will frequently find me enjoying a cup with my coffee friends and clients. When I'm not traveling to find another inspiring magical moment. Feel free to stop by and say hi if you see me! I love meeting new people.

Here are some of the TECHNIQUES
At Good Vibes I create positive energy art using mixed media. Gallery pieces could include acrylic, watercolor, spray medium, wood, glass and metal among a myriad of other treasures.
Gravity Flow
Just as it sounds. In this painting technique where the paint consistency dictates a lot of the flow
from thick to thin in the linear movements. A singular flow of paint to multiple at one time.
The sky’s the limit when it comes to this style.

Dirty Pour
By using varying paint colors combined with a flow medium it creates movement on the canvas. Every time it's different. Think marbling with paint

Using thick paint or medium that I run a tool or my fingers across to creates peaks and valleys.
Also building up painting upon painting on a singular canvas to create definition.